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Navigating your CrossFit journey: Answers to your top questions

Starting a CrossFit journey brings you into an exciting world where lots of different sports and exercises come together. At CrossFit Kreis 9, we know you might have many questions when you first join us. That’s why we’re here to help with personal advice, counseling, goal-setting sessions, and free consultations to make your fitness journey special to you. Here are the top 5 questions we often hear from our clients, and we’ll show you how we at CrossFit Kreis 9 offer unique solutions for each one.

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Track your fitness progress: The importance of fitness journals

In this blog post we cover why you should track your fitness progress.

Over the last nine years, we have witnessed countless transformations among our members. From newcomers stepping into the gym for the first time to seasoned athletes pushing their limits, one thing remains consistent. The power of tracking progress through fitness journals. In the world of CrossFit, where every workout is an opportunity for growth, the importance of documenting your journey cannot be overstated.

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The Power of strength: Why runners need strength training

As a coach who has prepared himself and his atheletes for and completed a lot of running running events, I’ve come to appreciate the power of strength training in complementing running performance and reducing the risk of injury. While logging miles on the road or trails is essential for building endurance and cardiovascular fitness, incorporating strength training into your routine can take your running to the next level.

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The power of commitment: Foundation training at CrossFit Kreis 9

The foundation training at CrossFit Kreis 9 is a three month journey. Here is why:

Time matters in habit formation more than anything else. Research shows that it takes an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic, and even longer for it to truly become ingrained in our lifestyle (Lally et al., 2009). By committing to a three-month foundation training program, our clients have the opportunity to immerse themselves fully in the CrossFit experience. This allows habits to take root and flourish over time.

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Starting a fitness journey: The beginner’s guide to success

Starting a fitness journey is a transformative experience that can positively impact every aspect of your life. Here is a complete beginner’s guide to CrossFit.

For the busy professional who’s maybe been neglecting their fitness for years, taking that first step can be daunting. At our CrossFit gym, we understand the unique challenges you face, and we’re here to guide you through the process of building a strong foundation for a healthier, more active lifestyle.

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6 Tips to beat the winter blues

As the days get shorter and the temperature drops, alot of us find ourselves grappling with the winter blues. The colder, darker months can take a toll on our social, physical, mental, and nutritional well-being, leaving us feeling down in the blues. However, with the right strategies, you can beat those winter blues and embrace the season with renewed energy and positivity. In this blog post, we’ll explore six ways to help you nurture your social, physical, and mental well-being during the winter months.

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CrossFit for an aging athlete: The CrossFit journey for a healthier, stronger you!

Ever though of how CrossFit for an aging athlete looks like? In this blog post we talk about the most common misconceptions what comes to CrossFit and an aging athlete.

In the grand tapestry of life, the middle-aged years often come with their unique set of challenges. If you’ve spent the better part of your adulthood sidelined from regular exercise or find yourself hesitant to step into the world of CrossFit, this message is for you.

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Training with an injury, here is how

Injuries are a part of any sport, and CrossFit is no exception, unfortunately. Dealing with an injury can be frustrating and disheartening, but it doesn’t have to derail your progress. In fact, training through injury can be an opportunity for growth and even aid in your recovery. Here are 5 tips to help you navigate training while injured.

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