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Monthly Archives: December 2022

The (only) special gear you need for functional training

Have you ever thought about starting a new sport but given up because you don’t have the right gear? This is not going to be the case with CrossFit. The only thing you need to start with are sports clothes. After a while you may be interested in acquiring a few things to assist you with your training but the list is still very short. Here are the three essentials:

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How to survive the holiday season with your health and fitness intact

Surviving the holiday season with your health and fitness intact is a skill. A skill that need practise.

The holidays are a time for family and friends, but they can also be a stressful time as well. If you’ve been trying to lose weight and gain on fitness, it’s important that you don’t let social pressure or stress derail your efforts. The key is to plan ahead so that you’re prepared when temptation strikes. Here are some tips on how to survive the holiday season with your health intact:

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Things that fit people have in common

The word “fit” is used to refer to two things: how healthy your body is and how healthy you feel. But what does it mean to be fit? It’s not just about the number on the scale or how strong your muscles are. It’s also about feeling good, both physically and mentally. In CrossFit world we define fitness as an increased work capacity. This simply means being able to do more and heavier physical tasks faster.  The truth is, being fit isn’t something that everyone can master overnight—it takes time and dedication! So if you’re looking for some inspiration on how you can get started with getting fit (or stay on track), we’ve got some tips that’ll help anyone out there!

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Masters weightlifting workshop

Are you a 35+ lifter?

Come and learn from Laura Niemelä (Speedsters Coaching) all you need to know about master’s weightlifting! The 4-hour workshop will be held on 22.1.2023 at CrossFit Kreis 9 from 1 pm to 5 pm.

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Three aspects to a balanced diet

Good nutrition goes way beyond the foods you should eat. To have an impact on the health, the diet should be sustainable over years and decades. For sure, one can lose weight on an extreme diet or eat poorly on a holiday without gaining much weight but none of these options will lead to a long-term health or to the desired body composition. In this post we introduce you the three aspects of a healthy diet.

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