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Monthly Archives: January 2023

How to find time for training


It’s a common problem; finding time for training. You’re busy, you’ve got work, kids, friends and maybe even a social life. Exercising is on your list of good intentions but never gets done. But it’s important to keep fit, so what can you do? Well there are plenty of ways to make sure that exercising fits in to your weekly schedule. The most important thing is still prioritizing. If you put your health and fitness first, these tips will help you to stay on track. If you don’t, you need to fix your priorities first.

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How to avoid the motivation trap?

Are you one of those people who started training in January last year (and the years before) and lost the motivation by February and fell of the wagon? You fell into the motivation trap. As you know, you are not alone. You also might know that some people manage to get pass the motivation dip and successfully continue to exercise and make an impact on their health. We, at CrossFit Kreis 9, have a ton of experience of this phenomenon and are happy to share our knowledge and tips on how to avoid the pitfalls of the lifestyle change. Here are the most common problems we see when people start exercising and changing their life.

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