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Fitness, support systems, and boundaries

Have you ever wondered why some people fall off the fitness wagon while others seem to thrive? One key difference is the support systems behind them. When you’re trying to improve your health and fitness, the people around you can make all the difference. However, the truth is, the people who got you to where you are now may not be the ones who will help you reach your future goals. If your friends, family, or coworkers don’t support your healthier lifestyle choices, it may be time to reevaluate who you let influence your journey. This isn’t always easy, but sometimes, in order to grow, you need to make difficult changes—not just in your habits, but also in the company you keep.

Why your support system matters in fitness

When you’re making significant lifestyle changes, like prioritizing fitness and wellness, your support systems can make or break your progress. The people around you have a powerful influence on your mindset, habits, and daily choices. If they encourage you to skip workouts, indulge in unhealthy behaviors, or dismiss your goals, it’s much harder to stay on track.

You need people in your corner who understand and respect your goals. This support can come from friends, family, or professionals like personal trainers and coaches. Without this encouragement, it becomes incredibly difficult to maintain the motivation needed to make lasting changes. And sometimes, the unfortunate reality is that the people you’ve grown up with or spent a lot of time with might not be the ones who will support this new version of you.

Setting boundaries: It’s not about time, it’s about priorities

One of the most common reasons people give for not being able to exercise is a lack of time. But here’s the truth: if you don’t have time for training, you don’t have a time issue—you have a boundary issue.

Time is an equal resource for everyone. Whether you’re a CEO or a stay-at-home parent, you get the same 24 hours each day. What differentiates people who make time for fitness from those who don’t is their ability to set boundaries. This means saying no to things that aren’t aligned with your goals and protecting your time for the things that matter—like your health.

How to set boundaries

Building your support systems starts with setting boundaries and getting clear about your priorities. If fitness is a priority, then it needs to take precedence over other non-essential activities. Here are some tips to help you set firm boundaries:

1. Be clear about your goals 

Know exactly what you’re working towards and why it’s important. When you have a clear understanding of your fitness goals, it’s easier to make decisions about how to spend your time.

2. Communicate your boundaries

Let your friends, family, and coworkers know about your goals and the boundaries you’re setting. For example, if you’ve committed to working out every morning, make it clear that this is non-negotiable time for yourself.

3. Learn to say no

Saying no is one of the most powerful tools in your boundary-setting arsenal. When someone asks you to do something that interferes with your fitness routine or wellness goals, be prepared to decline. It’s not rude—it’s taking care of yourself.

4. Don’t apologize for prioritizing yourself

Often, people feel guilty for saying no or setting boundaries, but there’s no need to apologize for putting your health and well-being first. You deserve to make your fitness a priority without feeling bad about it.

The hard truth: If they don’t support your better lifestyle, they’re not your people

It’s tough to admit, but if the people in your life aren’t supportive of your fitness journey, they may not be your people anymore. Friends who constantly tempt you to skip the gym or mock your healthy eating choices are not aligned with your goals. This doesn’t mean you need to cut people out of your life completely, but you do need to reconsider how much influence you allow them to have over your choices.

Here are some signs that your current support system isn’t helping you:

  • They criticize or make fun of your fitness goals.
  • They constantly try to tempt you with unhealthy habits.
  • They show little interest or support for your progress.
  • They don’t respect your boundaries, like workout time or meal planning.

If you’re noticing these signs, it might be time to distance yourself from these people or have an honest conversation about how important your health is to you.

Finding people who will support you

The good news is that there are plenty of people who will support your fitness journey—you just need to find them. Whether it’s new friends, peers with similar goals, or professionals like personal trainers and nutritionists, these people will help you stay on track and encourage you when things get tough.

How to find the right support system?

1. Join a fitness community 

Whether it’s a local gym, CrossFit box, or an online fitness group, surrounding yourself with people who share similar goals can be incredibly motivating. These communities often provide both accountability and encouragement, which are key to long-term success and are one of the best possible support systems you can have.

2. Hire a professional coach or trainer 

If you’re serious about making a change, working with a professional can provide you with the expertise, accountability, and personalized guidance you need. A coach will not only help you with your fitness goals but also support you in setting boundaries and staying focused.

3. Seek out like-minded peers 

Look for friends or acquaintances who are also focused on improving their health. Even if they’re not at the same level of fitness as you, the mutual support will be invaluable.

4. Surround yourself with positive energy 

Be mindful of the energy that people bring into your life. Positive, supportive people will lift you up, while negative, unsupportive people will drag you down. Choose wisely.

Conclusion: Protect your boundaries, protect your goals

In the end, the people who brought you to your current state may not be the ones who will help you reach the next level. And that’s okay. What’s important is that you surround yourself with people who respect your boundaries, support your goals, and encourage your growth. Remember, it’s not about time—it’s about priorities and the boundaries you set to protect them. Stay strong, stay focused, and choose the people who will help bring out the best in you.

Are you ready to take the next step and let us be part of your support system? Book a free consultation with one of our expert trainers.

  • Saara

About the coach:


Meet Saara, a master athlete and a multifaceted professional with an impressive array of qualifications. With a commitment to promoting sustainable fitness and health, Saara balances her role as a business owner, business mentor and mother of three, emphasizing the adaptable and enduring nature of CrossFit training that aligns with her life’s demands and aspirations.

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