
CrossFit Coach


  • B.Sc. in Sports Science
  • Post-graduate Honors in Biokinetics
  • CrossFit Level 3 Trainer (CCFT)
  • First Aid Level 2
  • Opex Fitness Trainer

Luke started CrossFit in his home country South-Africa during his Sport Science studies back in 2012. With his sports background in Rugby and Basketball, Luke wanted to learn new movements, which you cannot find in a conventional gym such as Weightlifting and gymnastics. “My dad actually started crossfit before me and told me all about it.”

After a few years of crossfitting for himself Luke moved into coaching in 2015. “For me, the most valuable thing I can give to the members is being attentive to the needs of the individual and my knowledge in sport science and Biokinetics” So if you are lucky to be in one of Luke’s classes be aware of getting a lot of 1:1 time. Luke will not give up on you until he sees an improvement.

How To Find Us

111 222 333

Aargauerstrasse 250, 8048 Zurich

by train: Altstetten Station
by tram: Line 4 to stop Bahnhof Altstetten Nord
by bus: Lines 304, 308, 307 to stop Bahnhof Altstetten Nord
