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What is CrossFit 2

The community that spontaneously arises when people do these workouts together is a critical component of why CrossFit is so effective. It gave birth to a global network of CrossFit affiliates that number over 11,000. Harness the natural camaraderie, competition and fun of sport or game yield an intensity that cannot be matched by other means. The CrossFit program is driven by data. Using whiteboards as scoreboards, keeping accurate scores and records, running a clock, and precisely defining the rules and standards for performance, we not only motivate unprecedented output but derive both relative and absolute metrics at every workout. This data has significant value well beyond motivation. Overall, CrossFit aims to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness supported by measurable, observable and repeatable results. The program prepares trainees for any physical contingency—not only for the unknown but for the unknowable, too. Our specialty is not specializing. 

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