To challenge or not to challenge?

To challenge or not to challenge?

In the last few years all kinds of nutrition and fitness challenges have gained on popularity. The prime time of all kinds of fitness and weight loss challenges – January – is just around the corner. What are biggest pros and cons in this kind of periodical thinking?

Let’s start with the obvious pros! Number one is motivation. Challenges are really good way to get motivated to do something. As they usually have a start and an end date, they create us the feeling that we just need to push or make a change for a certain period of time. They also create us the feeling that we achieve something in the given period with the given amount of work. Number two is clarity. A challenge is built the way that we know exactly what we need to do to be successful. There are no “maybes” and “it depends” type of answers. Just go, do, and succeed!!! Great!

Well. Not so fast.  Things that have an end date are not always sustainable. Why? Because they don’t need to be. Anyone can do about anything for a certain period. Also, the fact that there is an end date can be deceiving. There might be a quick win, but the curve takes a turn very fast after the challenge is over.

In the end of the day a real and sustainable change takes time and consistency. A fitness or a lifestyle challenge can work as a great kick starter and that is how you should treat it. If you see a challenge as the first step on your life change ladder it might just be the one thing you need! If you see it as a one-time project, you will find yourself back in the square one soon again. So think about this when you consider taking part in the next cool thing. Will this help me in the long run or not?

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