The word “fit” is used to refer to two things: how healthy your body is and how healthy you feel. But what does it mean to be fit? It’s not just about the number on the scale or how strong your muscles are. It’s also about feeling good, both physically and mentally. In CrossFit world we define fitness as an increased work capacity. This simply means being able to do more and heavier physical tasks faster. The truth is, being fit isn’t something that everyone can master overnight—it takes time and dedication! So if you’re looking for some inspiration on how you can get started with getting fit (or stay on track), we’ve got some tips that’ll help anyone out there!
Fit people eat real food most of the time.
One of the most important things you can do to be a fit person is to eat real food—food that hasn’t been processed, packaged, and made convenient for you. Real food is freshly cooked and unprocessed. Real food is something your grandmother would have recognized as food when she was young. Real food takes time to prepare regardless of who prepares it. Thus, anything you know as “fast food” probably does not fall into the category of real food. Snacks can be real food as well. Think about an apple and nuts. Eating real food does not require standing in the front of a stove for hours every day but it takes some planning for sure.
Fit people sleep enough most of the time.
You can’t out train bad sleep. You also can’t outsource sleep to someone else. You can’t multitask while sleeping. You need to let go of the achieving modus for 7-8 hours a day.
This is a hard bullet to bite for the most of us and even more for the high achievers. Your assistant won’t sleep for you. This is the one thing you need to do yourself for yourself.
Fit people work out regularly and make fitness a priority.
Exercising is important, but it doesn’t have consume all of your time. If you’re new to fitness, there’s no need to spend hours at the gym every single day or train for a marathon. Start with something small—like walking more often or incorporating more strength training into your daily routine—and build up from there.
Work out at a time that works for you. You’ll be more motivated if you find an exercise schedule that fits into your day-to-day life rather than trying to fit fitness into your life around everything else.
Don’t feel like working out? Make sure what you choose is enjoyable enough so that it feels like less of a chore and more like something fun and rewarding! In case you still don’t feel like working out just treat the exercising like brushing your teeth. Just get it over with.
Fit people have an active life style.
The hard truth is that it does not matter that much what you do for the 1 hour of training per day but how you live your life for the other 23 hours. Fit people tend to move a lot outside of the training as well.
But you should not get discouraged. Once you start training you will automatically be more motivated (and fitter) to move more in your everyday life. The physical tasks will also feel lighter, and you will recover faster. The vicious cycle of not training and not moving will turn on to a virtuous cycle of training and moving more fairly quickly.
Fit people are realistic about what they can achieve.
Human’s always overestimate what they can achieve in a short period of time and underestimate what they can achieve over a long period of time.
Sometimes, it’s easy to set goals that are unrealistic. However, if your goal is too ambitious, you may end up feeling disappointed and frustrated when it isn’t met. Also, an outcome goal is just a wish if there are no process goals attached to it. In case your goal is to lose five kilos of body weight you want to think about what goals do you need to meet for the weight loss to be realistic. Maybe you start by having the goal to eat vegetables at every meal and exercising three times a week. Once you can meet these goals you will be motivated to carry on even if your initial outcome goal was not met.
Set realistic expectations for yourself so that when things don’t work out or go according to plan (as they often do), they won’t feel like total failures because they weren’t even remotely possible anyway!
If you want to get fit, make it a lifestyle change, not a life-altering event.
If you want to get fit, make it a lifestyle change, not a life-altering event. You’ll probably see some results pretty quickly, but don’t make the mistake of expecting everything to change overnight. Don’t compare yourself to others—just be yourself and do what’s best for your body so that you can feel good about your progress. You will have bad days or weeks when you don’t see any results from all of your hard work, but don’t let this discourage you! Just keep going because it will be worth it in the end.
Now that you know the thing fit people have in common you might be thinking “I’m not cut out to be a fit person,” please think again. Being fit doesn’t mean that you have to look like an athlete or spend hours at the gym every day. It means eating real food, being active in ways that feel good for your body and getting enough sleep each night. And if you need some inspiration along the way, take it from us: We’re all on this journey with you!